miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Warm up

1 comentario:

  1. Hello, this is Michael. You have made some mistakes that I think would have been easy for you to find. I recommend that before you submit one of your assignments that you read it out loud and change whatever doesn´t look or sound right. Whenever you find a mistake, start reading the sentence over again. Good job.

    change ´´serie´´ with ´´series´´
    change movilitation to mobilization

    ...steps you have to ´´do to´´ do the...

    instead of saying for example, move the neck doing circles, you would say ´´Move you´re neck in (or ´´making) circles.

    0:27 change the first sentence to: The Activation part is harder. You have to run doing different types of movements.

    change tipes to types

    ...you have to run ´´while´´ ´´jumping,´´ moving your arms ´´in´´ circles.

    ´´Sprint:´´ you have to run ´´as fast´´ as you can.

    during ´´this´´ you are running ´´and jumping at every third step´´

    you have to run ´´from´´ side to side

    change crossig to crossing
    change crosing to crossing

    a person is on ´´the´´ line ´´at´´ the center of the court and everyone ´´has´´ to run and cross it ´´without being´´ taken by the hawk.
    The String - too big of a sentence. Change it into two.
    The killer ´´has´´ to run...
    change persons to people
